Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brooklyn Debris

A lot of stuff has surfaced along with the bugs in our backyard…
On Sunday I wanted to plant my Lilac babies, clear the dog doo out of the way, ya know?
Well, I unearthed some bricks. Figuring I better make room for the future roots, I kept at it.
I got more digging to do and I need a better shovel.


I made some watercolor tags for our starters. They'll need some
twigs to sturdy them once they go in the ground for clear identification.

The Garlic


Two weeks ago we started various veggies and sunflowers.
I was happy to see the sunflowers show their face this weekend with the warm weather.

Sadly we had a lot of rain this week…they got a good bout of it by the time we brought
them inside.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Watch Our Garden Grow


George and I will be documenting our backyard and all of our lofty attempts at growing edible
vegetables and beautiful flowers. We have some grand ideas but of course we'll have to see what comes to fruition. Pictures to come!